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Today's reading

December 12, 2024

Picture: Conditions of a King

Isaiah 31:1-2, 8-9a; Isaiah 32:5-6, 9-10, 14, 15-20

Conditions of a King
00:00 / 04:53

In the intervening chapters, Isaiah expounds on the warnings against this alliance with Egypt. He once again explains that Judah will be safe from Assyria, but that it will have nothing to do with Egypt's help.

"Assyria will fall by no human


a sword, not of mortals, will devour


They will flee before the sword

and their young men will be put to

          forced labor.

Their stronghold will fall because

       of terror;

at the sight of the battle standard

        their commanders will panic."


Isaiah 31:8-9a (NIV)

With this deliverance comes once again the promise of a True King that reigns in Wisdom.

"See, a king will reign in


and rulers will rule with justice.

Each one will be like a shelter from

      the wind

and a refuge from the storm,

like streams of water in the desert

and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land."


Isaiah 32:1-2 (NIV)

This King stands in stark contrast to the rulers they have had throughout their history. They are described as scoundrels and fools.

"No longer will the fool be called


nor the scoundrel be highly


For fools speak folly,

their hearts are bent on evil:

They practice ungodliness

and spread error concerning the 


the hungry they leave empty

and from the thirsty they withhold



Isaiah 32:5-6 (NIV)

This beautiful picture of a coming King was captivating. With the chaos and turmoil that had inflicted the region you would expect for Judah to feel an urgency to make preparations to be a part of this kingdom, but this is not the case. The time of ease the people had enjoyed had lulled them to sleep and deafened them to the prophet's message. God speaks a parable through Isaiah that features the women of Judah looking out over a harvest. They are complacent because they think they will always enjoy times of plenty.

"You women who are so


rise up and listen to me;

you daughters who feel secure,

hear what I have to say!

In little more than a year 

you who feel secure will tremble;

the grape harvest will fail,

and the harvest of fruit will not



The fortress will be abandoned,

the noisy city deserted;

citadel and watchtower will become

         a wasteland forever,

the delight of donkeys, a pasture for



Isaiah 32:9-10, 14 (NIV)

Over the course of time, this prophetic moment grew closer and closer. Previously, Isaiah spoke of a three year time period, now they are just one year away from this devastating moment. Yet the people of Judah have not been motivated to act justly. They have refused to fully repent. Instead, they believe they have staved off judgement through spiritual sleight of hand and secret alliances. This Kingdom and King could not come to an arrogant people so institutionalized to the ways of the world. Isaiah foretells of a catalyst that will renew the hearts of men.

"Till the Spirit is poured on us from

         on high,

and the desert becomes a fertile


and the fertile field seems like a 


The LORD's justice will dwell in

      the desert,

his righteousness live in the fertile


The fruit of the righteousness

      will be peace;

its effect will be quietness and

         confidence forever.

My people will live in peaceful

      dwelling places,

in secure homes,

in undisturbed places of rest.

Through hail flattens the forest

and the city is leveled completely;

how blessed you will be,

sowing your seed by every stream,

and letting your cattle and donkeys

       range free."



Isaiah 32:15-20 (NIV)

Israel, like all mankind had been afflicted by the endemic disease of sin. The Holy Spirit is required to make the desolate places in the hearts of mankind flourish with seeds of faith and obedience. This kingdom built in our hearts will give us quiet confidence. We will be fruitful as we wait for our coming King even as the world rages around us.

This is Christmas to you.

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